We'll develop your special machine

Procurement of production and purchased parts
We take care of the disposition of the required machine components. After obtaining quotations, we commission suitable manufacturers and suppliers or follow your specifications. tech-solute has a large network of manufacturing partners with the most diverse manufacturing processes. We also work with suppliers of standard and bought-in parts that we have been able to rely on for years. After consultation with our customer, we carry out the ordering process on their behalf and have the machine delivered directly to the installation site. When ordering components, we start with the so-called “long leads”, i.e. production parts with long delivery times, as soon as the raw dimensions of larger semi-finished products have been determined. The procurement of the remaining parts takes place as soon as the design of the production part has been finalised or the supplier for the corresponding purchased part has been determined and the customer has given his “ok”. The goal is to ensure that sub-assembly can start on time. We check delivered parts for correct condition, if necessary we take care of complaints and prepare the assembly.
Machine assembly
With the availability of components and purchased parts and corresponding assembly documentation (e.g. assembly instructions), we assemble the individual parts into a functional machine or system. The installation site is individual. Starting from the sequence specified in the assembly instructions, pre-assembly and overall assembly are carried out, auxiliary and operating materials are installed and checked and adjusted where necessary. Auxiliary operations such as cleaning, heating or cooling for press connections, deburring, unpacking, sealing, oiling are also important and often time-consuming parts of this process. The wiring of the electrical components to the control cabinet, the installation of compressed air or hydraulic lines or other components requires close coordination between the technicians. It does not always make sense for tech-solute employees to take over the assembly of a machine. Depending on the size and scope of an assembly task, we work together with specialised companies and can thus save costs for our customers. In this case, we act as an assembly supervisor who assists the assembly team and initiates any necessary corrections to the construction.
Machine commissioning
According to the Machinery Directive, “putting into service […] is the first use in the Community of machinery covered by this Directive for its intended purpose”. In the case of a larger machine or system, this may require a number of steps, e.g. adapting and connecting to the existing infrastructure, supplying power and connecting gas, water, compressed air, etc.. When the control programme is completed on the machine, the functions of individual units are tested and the entire machine is put into the first test run. The focus here is on setting, adjusting and calibrating components and operating parameters. The functioning of safety devices is also checked. The integration of the machine into IT systems and higher-level controls/monitoring is carried out after successful teaching and corresponding test runs, with which the technical specifications, characteristic values and performance data from the specifications and requirements could be proven. If necessary, measurements are carried out according to VDE or EMC specifications. As soon as everything functions perfectly, the acceptance by the customer can take place.