The right contact for every request
General questions
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Your information to us is strictly confidential? No problem!
We will sign a mutual non-diclosure agreement with you before you send us your confidential information. You can use our standard NDA if you wish. Our NDA is fair and corresponds to the current legal situation. Simply download the template, add your contact details and print it out. After that please sign and scan the NDA and send it to Don’t forget to state your telephone nummer in the mail in case we have questions. We will check the NDA, sign it and return it to you. Now we can exchange confidential information in a personal meeting or call and listen to details on your project.
Download NDA templateYou wish to send us a message?
Do you require information or have questions on projects, methods & strategies or staff? Then give us a call! We are available from 8:00 to 17:00 (CET) Mo-Fr
Alternatively get in touch by using this form, or place your individual questions by e-mailing the above mentioned contact experts directly. They will answer your request promptly.
tech-solute GmbH
Werner-von-Siemens-Straße 2-6
Gebäude 5137c
D–76646 Bruchsal
Tel.: +49 7251 93675-0
Fax: +49 7251 93675-10