We will uncover your innovation potential.
We develop strategies
We are fans of the “Blue Ocean Strategy” (W. Chan Kim and Reneé Mauborgne) and share the authors’ opinion, that sustainable profitable growth is not possible with the battles for customers, competitive advantages and market shares that are being fought in almost all industries. Those who create new markets or oceans where there is little or no competition can make large profits, though. The methods of the “Blue Ocean Strategy” are particularly suitable for generating permanently profitable business models in markets or industries that are still untouched. But even in the traditional markets, the actual “bread-and-butter business” of our customers, market shares can still be gained with the help of comparatively simple methods.

Status Quo Workshops
Goal: identifying the entrepreneurial position and the need for action in response to opportunities and risks in the environment.
The Status Quo Workshop aims to make your company’s position in the market environment transparent, to identify opportunities and risks from this and thus to derive approaches for innovation. This is why the SWOT analysis is an essential part of the workshop; it is used to clarify the strengths and weaknesses of the company (e.g. in terms of products or technology) compared to the competition and to examine opportunities and risks, e.g. as a result of trends or new technologies. Ideally, representatives from all product-related departments of your company take part in the one-day workshop. In the end, not only will everyone involved know exactly where their company stands in comparison to the competition, they will also be pulling in the same direction when it comes to implementing the identified, necessary fields of action with suitable measures.
Target Workshops
Goal: strategic approaches to successfully mastering current and future challenges
Depending on what action you consider necessary for your company: We offer you the method-based development of a suitable solution strategy. (If you do not yet sure of the necessary fields of action in your company, we recommend a status quo workshop in advance). Naturally, as we are experts for product innovation, the focus of our customers is often on “differentiation” and “opening new markets”. In order to arrive at realisable, strategic approaches, we use various methods, such as trend analysis, the persona method, our own Ocean Exploring® method and, of course, creative brainstorming, which can sometimes be extended to a design sprint.
It is important that we have an intensive conversation in advance and really understand the cause of the matter. We use this information to tailor you an individual workshop.
We have been working successfully with tech-solute on technical projects for some time now. When it came to finding our course on the "oceans of future markets", we were happy to take the tech-solute team on board. As part of Ocean Exploring, we were navigated to new approaches in a varied workshop. We benefited from tech-solute's vast experience from countless contacts with industrial customers with similar issues. The result contains ideas for new destinations that we did not initially have on our "sea chart".
Gunnar Back, former CEO of SITEMA GmbH & Co. KG, Karlsruhe