We will uncover your innovation potential.

Start by finding out where you stand

Get ahead of your competitors with product innovations! To sustainably secure the future of your company, we recommend the continuous development of technical innovations that result in new products and, if necessary, business models. For this you need to know your own position in the market environment and to have knowledge about what future buyers desire and which technological developments and trends can be expected. As an innovation expert with an industry-wide view, we support you in understanding your stakeholders more clearly, in identifying unfulfilled customer wishes, in recognising opportunities for new technologies and in generating significant competitive advantages from this. The result: a focus on the direction of your future innovations and ideas for new products and strategies, enabling you to outpace your competitors. With tech-solute as a partner you experience at first hand how product innovations are specifically developed for long-term success.

Engineers talking to customer about technical development of his products

Our recipe for securing your future

In order to secure your company’s future, it is essential to actively initiate product development in two main directions:

  1. Existing markets (Red Oceans): use beneficial unique selling propositions to protect your products from lack of differentiation from comparable, often cheaper rivalling products.
  2. New markets (Blue Oceans): use innovations to open up new markets where the competition is still weak or non-existant.

The premise for taking any direction is to really know one’s own customers and the markets well. It is also essential to accurately assess the strengths and weaknesses of the competition and to take advantage of the opportunities that arise from this knowledge. For this to succeed in the long term, suitable innovation and differentiation strategies are of great importance. In the end, everything will depend on your ideas for new products, features and business models. If they offer unique benefits they will become the first choice among your stakeholders.

Our three-step approach: identify opportunities, develop strategies, come up with ideas and get feedback.


Contact your expert

Martin Mucha

Innovation Engineer (Mechanics)

+49 (0) 7251 93675-22

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