We assess the feasibility of your idea
Is there a good chance of success?
We are sorry if we sometimes have to tell customers that we do not share their project’s prospects of success. This judgement is not plucked out of thin air, but is the result of a precise analysis process. Frequently, however, even a small correction is enough to improve the potential of a product idea or a business model. In any case, we always take a close look at both and are happy to give valuable tips and relevant advice, as we have been supporting start ups from vaious technology branches for many years. Moreover, we were once a start up ourselves and know very well that euphoria sometimes blinds us to some risks.

Potential analyses
Goal: objective evaluation of the potential of your product idea
In our potential analysis, we take a close look at your product idea. Is your company really capable of handling the planned innovation project? Is it even marketable? Are there any third-party patents standing in the way of its realisation? In addition to an estimation of the implementation costs of your technology, you will also receive statements from us about how we assess the actual customer benefits, the differentiation potential and thus the prospects of success for the planned product.
Business-Model-Check workshops
Goal: verification of the meaningfulness and potential of your business idea
You have a business idea and are unsure about the risk you might be taking with it? In our one-day Business-Model-Check workshop, we jointly conduct a SWOT analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) and develop strategies to secure your business idea. In a second step, we use your existing business model or, alternatively, a jointly prepared business model canvas to check whether your business idea with the value proposition it contains also makes sense economically.